Friday, April 10, 2015

Me and My Crazy Monkey

I've been learning to speak Spanish with an app, Duolingo, on my phone. But so far the vocabularly hasn't been particularly applicable to my journey here in Buenos Aires. There just aren't that many bears, bulls, and mice to speak of. But then curiously there was this monkey. I knew that word!!

There are other curious things in this big city. My bruised left foot can tell you all about the sidewalks. So many tiles! Beautiful tiles, small tiles, broken tiles, missing tiles, and ordinary tiles. And there is cement sidewalk, sometimes, but always lumpy and bumpy. There are very old cobblestones and bricks - deeply pitted bricks. A fast walk? Good luck!

And then there is the harrowing traffic. It's a city so one might expect crazy jack-rabbit driving with horns honking and cars and buses within a half-inch of one another. Yet there are no stop signs. Traffic lights, yes. But smaller intersections leave pedestrians and cars to jockey for position to cross the street. I'll say no more except that it seems to work.

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