Saturday, August 3, 2013

Woman and her Dog

We were at a tram stop this morning and couldn't help but notice this woman and her Greyhound. Besides the remarkable tattoo on her back, I noticed that her shirt reads "Czech Republic Coursing Team". (click on the photo to see it larger) Intrigued I snapped the photo and looked it up on the internet. Turns out that coursing is a kind of dog racing on natural terrain.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hammered Glass Tram Stop

There are few panes of hammered glass left in the windows in the apartment we are renting. But the one window provides the most delightful reflection of the street. Click on the picture to see it in more detail. There is something about the hammered waves in the glass that makes the reflection shimmer that enhances the action around the tram stop. (I considered snapping a photo of a horde of tourists coming down the street en route to the castle, but the leader didn't carry an umbrella and so it seemed lacking in character. Waiting for a red tram seemed the better alternative.)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

She was a HOT ride!

Looks so charming, right? So simple and harmless. And yet, outfitted with air conditioning and windows that don't open, she was a mighty HOT ride for seven hours when the air conditioning didn't work. Sure did make my shower feel good when I got home.

Building Budapest

When visiting a beautiful, old city for the first time, one MUST take pictures such as this one. It's a law. What the camera does not capture are the bright colors of the tiled roof. You can sort of tell they are colored, but at high noon they are a bit bleached here. Travelers can't be choosy.

And just look at this little headless man hanging out on the wall of some person's home. I left Rich anchored at a cafe with coffee and took a swift walk around the neighborhood. Is this stencil graffiti on purpose or is the homeowner hapless? I'm not sure, but a cropped version turned into a great wallpaper pic for my laptop.

And this beauty was found between our hotel and the metro. It was such an enthusiastic welcome to the city!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Budapest Held Captive

Rich wasn't feeling too well so it was up to me to create the itinerary for our day in Budapest. First on the list was the Parliament building. Our waiter from the night before recommended it and as we approached I was quite awed by the size and grandness of the building. WOW! Only, there was all this construction. No matter. Follow the tour groups and we are bound to find the entrance. Or not. Shut down and inaccessible. *sigh* So visible. So out of reach. We did get a good view from across the Danube River.

And as we walked toward the bus stop to head over and up to the castle complex we discovered that the Parliament building was not the only beautiful thing being held captive in Budapest.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Approaching Budapest in the Round

Traveling in foreign countries can be a bit disorienting. That's part of the fun, right? And I'm okay with that. Especially when there are all sorts of lines, shapes and new perspectives awaiting my discovery! As we boarded the train from Prague to Budapest, well, we took the right train, just the wrong direction. No turning around for an HOUR. And of course we had to pay for the extra journey - both ways. Whoops. These pictures were taken as we waited to take the train back to Prague and then to Budapest.

Doesn't it almost look like a fake backdrop to some modern set? But it's not.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A New Prague Collection

It was a spectacular day in Prague today - sunny and seventies - so my friend and I tackled Petřín hill on foot. Whew! Quite the steep climb and quite the steep descent. "Ellen" was found at the bottom of the hill. 

These pieces were critically placed beneath the funicular, the motorized transport up and down the hill.You might be wondering why I'm snapping photos of graffiti. In years past I have collected glorious buildings and heavy hardware, but this year I've decided graffiti is among the cultural sights of significance for me. It should be interesting...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Conference Calling

San Diego was fun, but it was work too. I was there for a conference and I did my share of talking and listening. Then I caught a glimpse of this woman taking a break on her mobile and it struck me as lovely.

I Spy Eyes

There I was, innocently taking a walk in Palm Canyon in Balboa Park when suddenly I felt like I was being watched! What's a girl to do? Make the predator the prey! I whipped out my handy camera and got a snapshot of that dangerous dude!

Fallen Woman

On a hike in Presidio Park in California, I came upon this fallen tree. It looks so much like a woman fallen upon her back, arms outstretched, hair everywhere.

Me and the Guys

I visited San Diego for the first time ever. Where to go? Balboa Park! Museums and I usually get along quite well and this was no exception. There was a wonderful cluster of museums, a tram ride around the park, and, of course, natural wonders to explore as well.

Gonna Getchoo!

Maybe it's the "itch" from constantly growing muscles. Maybe it's because the weather is so warm. Whatever it is, my grandson doesn't slow down. That means that one of my favorite things to do with him is play at the playground! We stay just long enough to get really thirsty, a little bit hungry, and sometimes even a bit wobbly from being so tuckered out.

Dandy Days

I extended a business trip and visited my brother in Indianapolis. I didn't have a good pair of walking shoes with me (I won't make that mistake again!) so I decided I would do some of my work sitting outside in his backyard. It didn't take long for the wet, spring air to distract me. And before I knew it I was gazing upon the perfect spring visual! Mushrooms were popping up in the wet ground. A dandelion had sprouted. And purple Irises were gently swaying to the birds chirping. All of this taking place under the subdued light of cloud-covered skies.

My Inheritance

When my cousin visits from Alaska, we try to find interesting things to do. This year I decided to take him and his wife to Heritage Village, a valuable inheritance for the residents of this part of Florida. Every time I go I see something different.
My cousin didn't want to duck under the rope and leave through the old garage door, so he walked back through the general store. It looks kind of like a sunset, but that's actually the electric orb inside the store. The smell of pines is rich in the village!
Time is up always too soon and we were under the countdown to catch the last tour of one of the historical houses. We caught the tour and even squeezed into the gift shop just before it closed to get some candy sticks. Yum!