Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Philadelphia welcoming

We brushed shoulders with a tow truck but made it up to the greater Philadelphia area Sunday. Since then we have been non-stop visiting! Here you can see the kind of effect we had upon our Memorial Day barbecue host. Hmmm.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A rainbow and a mini-skirted palm were on their way home from dinner...

We had dinner with friends at the Angry Pepper, where they serve the ever-fabulous Czech beer, Krusovice, and just as we were leaving storm clouds and sunlight were collaborating to produce this tantalizing vision. And that sassy palm in the miniskirt is so sure she's the reason for the peacock-like display of attention, doncha think? Yeah, I really do think.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


For a deferred Mother's Day gift, Rich, Jak and I trotted off to the Big Cat Rescue. These cats were not sad, even if they might have looked that way on occasion to us. Mostly they preened and showed off for us. If only the nasty side of animal trade was a sad history.

This tiger was just plain Hot. She didn't care what was going on because nothing was going to bother her snooze. The big, bright, beautiful reality is that sandwiched in between strip malls and big malls, lies these rough and wild acres of sanctuary for abandoned and abused exotic cats. We took one of the guided tours (the only kind available) and were moved by things like the tiny cat meow of a large wild animal. It was a new perspective.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome to Summertime!

This picture may not be the most visually pleasing, but it is so very Florida beaches! JD's Restaurant and Lounge in Indian Rocks Beach has a porch around the back overlooking the intra-coastal waterway. They have fans hanging from the ceiling that blow a mist over you to keep you cool and they have, quite obviously, live music to help you drink. The woman in pink (yes, they play a lot of 80's and 90's) has a fabulous voice and impeccable timing. She matches the flowering bush in the background.

It's good to be a musician on the beach. Oh yeah, it's just plain good to be on the beach!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

dragon amongst

This lovely dragon was part of the Flower and Garden Show at Epcot. When I was looking for links to include in this post I discovered that it is a pretty popular dragon each year. And with cause. I wanted to pluck it right out and take it home with me. Until I got up close...

Just look at those nasty sharp triangular teeth and the reds! Oh my the reds! Besides, bad manners to get nasty with your mouth full!

Ahhh, but just look at this beauty. I mean, from this distance she almost looks happy. Inviting, maybe. I don't know how I'd feel about having her in my garden, but I have secretly pined to have a dragon of my own. I've even shopped for one. Wandering around China Town in Philadelphia and poking my nose around shelf after shelf of ceramic and other dragons. But none of them ever spoke to me and truly a dragon must invite itself into one's home. I think a frightfully glorious dragon on top of a mound of treasure has to be a bit thrilling.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Weeding Works

These fabulous flowers grow in the Botanical Gardens, but also like weeds along the side of the road. Me too.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Even the bathrooms are cool

At Disney, every little detail and then some seems to be accounted for. This picture was taken in the bathroom! Of course, I made sure no-one was around. It felt weird to take a picture in the bathroom. Even though I took the picture of only myself, there is something so Ultimately private about bathrooms.

Right now I feel a little bit Disney-esqe. Really! Everything in my life right now feels so Cool!! I've got lots of work which is fun and fascinating to do. I'm in a condo in Clearwater Beach on the Gulf, which means on my break today Rich and I had fun floating on the waves. And I live close to my daughter who is one of the most fascinating people I am privileged to be personally acquainted with. *contented sigh*

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feeling a bit fishy

So I went one day to my conference in Orlando and the next to Epcot. Sounds like a fair enough distribution of time, yes? We were particularly fond of the aquarium at the Living Seas exhibit. I just couldn't resist capturing the silly distortions made from the containers!