Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cementario de la Recoleta

I like cemeteries. They are usually quiet, frequently beautiful and full of creativity. Cementario de la Recoleta was over the top!

This is the cemetery where Eva "Evita" Peron is buried. It is where many luminaries take their final rest. But a surprising number of graves are not well tended or simply crumbling to pieces. The cobwebs everywhere were pretty intense.

The cemetery is a true jumble of monuments to the dead. Some are relatively humble, some very religious, but so many were SCREAMING for attention - angels bent over and weeping, sculptures looking up adoringly at the deceased, and more. Of course, this gave me wonderful opportunity to find layers of visual excitement in the reflections!

As it happens, this was a particularly popular style of door. So many glass windows providing a mirror into the cemetery. Rich gave up on me and we resorted to texting to keep track of each other.

There was so much egotism about that it seemed only natural for me to find a way to get myself into the picture.

We arrived at the cemetery early in the morning - around 10:30am(!) - and it was fun to watch the city waking up as we walked. Shopkeepers were hosing down the sidewalks, people were having their coffee, orange juice and croissant, and dogs were walking their owners. By the time we left around noon the city was awake! Restaurants were playing music and the adjacent park had market stalls mostly set-up. We couldn't resist browsing. Turns out it was almost all artesans. Our shopping for gifts is now completed!

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