Friday, October 22, 2010

Can you find this smile in your car?

Some days it seems like there are smiling faces everywhere! Rich and I were on our way to the Suncoast Blues Society Challenge when I noticed this cute smile.

Look! I've got hands!

My grandson is finally discovering his hands. They amaze and entertain him. It makes me wonder if he will have a flash of insight when he recognizes that he can will his hands to move or if he will have a slower path to discovery built on multiple sensory experiences, like grabbing people and things of interest to him. Possibly it will be some combination. However it happens, it is a joy to watch.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Who's that family in the real estate window?

Walking along one fine and sunny day after cruising the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Florida, three family members stop to stare in the real estate window. So casual, so cool. Yup. We are palm trees and paradise.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

I was out wandering the roads in Delaware County, Pennsylvania and decided to stop at one of my favorite haunts - Ridley Creek State Park. There was a wedding happening at the old mansion so my comfortable wanderings were punctuated with lovely music. Ahhh.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

That's a horse of course!

The Desmond Hotel is quite the old world kind of place. Rich and I had dinner one night in the Hunt Room and met friends for drinks at the Fox and Hound. Really. We did. There were even two weddings there over the weekend. Pictures of horses are everywhere and the staff has been there for years. They must be doing something right.

Xander was surprised when a horse came up behind him. Is he the cutest grandson from Brooklyn ever?! He didn't get excited about dressage, but the horse show grounds were a delight for his senses.