Saturday, August 18, 2012

Whispers of Wealth

Charles Hackley was a lumber baron in Muskegon, Michigan. But he did not leave behind your ordinary wonderworks. This guy had taste. And this library is special. Gaze upon those old fashioned, elegant bookends. Delight in the lovely hardwood floors. But don't miss a peek at the ceiling. That is not just a line of fluorescent bulb you see, but thick panes of glass to the second floor. The book cases run right up through the glass ceiling. If you are going to be a philanthropist and give something like half your wealth away, you might as well do it in style. I can't wait to go back!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wiggles and Giggles! Shhh! Indianapolis

I was across the street. I looked over. It started giggling, and then wiggling. And it didn't stop. So I took a picture. So you would believe me. The sturdy sign. Erect and unmoving. The neatly lined glass doing its best to keep everyone in line. And yet. It wiggles. Maybe they were my giggles.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Puddle Jumping

Who doesn't love to splash in a puddle? Maybe at the end of the hopscotch you just take one more hop into the water? Because there's not much water in Indianapolis this summer. You'll want to get wet when you can. But first. What's that? A church!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Indy Stretching

Cmon! Could you have resisted this shot? It's so... American. Check out my sneakers. And shorts. Even if it is summer. Even if I did walk around for four or so hours. Maybe I'm just about ready to lean in and leap over some obstacle. A gate. A hurdle. I'm so, casual. Against bricks and bars. I'm so, optimistic.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Good Morning Indianapolis!

There are so many benefits to rising early in the city. I spent an entire morning roaming the streets of downtown Indianapolis on foot. I got to watch the city wake up. People trickling in to work. Sleepy, empty streets. Lots of hands holding coffee cups. But the best sights are the shadows. And the sun filtering through all kinds of obstacles, creating all kinds of distracting light and color combinations.

Early morning is distrustful too. If you are not obviously heading to work, and are equally obviously not loitering, then you are out of place. And I was. What tourist meanders at 7:30am? Me. It keeps me alert.