Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weedon Island Preserve

This morning I visited Weedon Island Preserve under threatening clouds and mild temperatures. I figured if I went early I'd miss the rain, which I did. I moseyed around the trails and if I hadn't seen it move out of the corner of my eye I would've just thought that hermit crab was a bleached out shell, albeit a larger shell than I usually find intact. I crouched patiently until she creeped about again. As long as the only thing moving was my arms she put on quite a show. This park is mostly an amazing mangrove forest with sprawling boardwalk trails and some paved and sandy trails.
They practice prescribed burns here and I couldn't help but think these charred palm tree remnants resembled snail-like creatures or maybe even a kind of sea anenome. The "antennae" are the charred palm leaf stalks.
Just as I was wondering if I wanted to keep walking or turn around and try to find a bathroom, I spied this nine-band armadillo. I couldn't believe it! Who knew there were armadillos in Florida? Apparently plenty of people whose perfectly manicured lawns have been burrowed through know all about them. After reading a bit about them afterward, it's clear from his behavior he was digging for food on the gray day.

The big deal at the park was supposed to be the bird watching, and I did see a tri-colored heron for the first time and a juvenile white ibis, but no other birds. I guess I'll have to go back!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Prowler in my Kitchen

I was taking a picture of the kitchen today and who decided to walk right in front of me? Moonshine of course. She is just this very old lady who has to constantly check on her food dish. One day she's willing to eat the poultry platter flavor and the next she turns up her nose. Believe it or not, she has even started hesitating in front of leftover steak and chicken. Hence the constant monitoring. Who knows? Maybe she thinks I'm trying to poison her!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bare Bathing from Botero

This bare bathing beauty is resting in front of the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, a creation of Fernando Botero. Rich and I decided to have brunch in the cafe and get to know the museum better since we are full-fledged members now. It helped that they had an "Art in Bloom" exhibition and at every turn the flowers teased us with sweet scents.
And it was a fine discovery mission. Who knew there was this delightful garden outside? Ever since Rich has refused to be my muse I've gotten shamelessly intimate with my camera's timer function.
There is more to discover though and we will have to return continuously. They have live music on occasion and I peeked through the door to another garden waiting for me to come out and play on another day.

Manatee Mania!

"They looked like stepping stones in the water!" exclaimed Helen. We were hanging out at our usual watering hole on a weekend night and one of the regulars told us how she went to see the manatees as the Tampa Electric Company power plant. If you click on the picture below and look closely at the shadows in the water you'll see what she means. Rich and I hopped in the car and took a visit in for ourselves. It being a particularly cold winter, more than 100 hundred manatees have been taking advantage of the warmed waters provided by the power plant. The picture above shows a mama and her baby gawking at the humans. They just hung there in the water looking up at us on the platform.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A room of my own

This is the morning sun peeking into my new office. It is still somewhat jumbled, but it's coming along nicely. There's a good balance here between office and guest bedroom. And the colors are warm and friendly, cherry and pine. And I LOVE working in the morning sun, watching the drawbridge go up and down and listening to the boats blow their horns in thanks. Occasionally I even hear balls popping in the tennis courts below my window.