Sunday, April 27, 2014

7 Vacation Reminders

Finally a true-blue, no-work vacation after 7 years. And it seems I've forgotten a few things about how to do a vacation. So I thought I would jot down some reminders for myself so that next time it doesn't take a few days before I really start enjoying my vacation.
  1. Going off the grid is possible and is a lot like exercise: I will argue with myself for a while, but when I finally do it, it feels GREAT and I don't want to stop.
  2. Napping is necessary. Napping makes me nice.
  3. I don't have to be doing something all day. Doing nothing is something. It's called relaxing.
  4. I will get hungry, tired and irritable. And probably all at the same time. More than once. Just get over it!
  5. Taking a hot, steaming bath in a gorgeous hotel bathroom is NOT a waste of time. Don't hurry.
  6. Hotels are part of the experience. Drinking and people-watching in the lobby is an activity.
  7. Sometimes when I order blindly off a foreign menu I get ... surprised with fatty duck liver. There's always dessert.

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