Sunday, August 21, 2011

Morning adventure collage

We decided to get adventurous on our morning walk today and climbed above the Strahov Monastery. As we strolled along a wooded path I glanced to my left and - wow - what a lovely view had fallen out of the trees! I was so pleased I whipped out my trusty camera.
 We continued  walking out to the street toward the garden at the top of Petřín and spied a bit of graffiti. Look closely.The only addition is the face. A door or window was removed and filled in leaving room for an artistic eye and a can of spray paint to transform it into design. Cool huh? Much better than 99% of the lame graffiti I've seen around the city. 
We arrived at the rose garden and stopped to smell them! Ahhh. A bit past their prime, really, but nevertheless fragrant and beautiful.
 Then we jumped onto the funicular for a drop down one stop to Nebozízek and the pathway through the park that would take us back home.

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