Sunday, May 8, 2016

Gallery Weekend Berlin

My brother and his partner visited us in Berlin and stayed for a week. We have such a good time with them wherever we are, but we had the pleasure of hanging out with them on Gallery Weekend Berlin! We picked two clusters of art galleries to explore. Doors were open and people were on the street. It was a beautiful day and the variety of art on display was fantastic. I was so excited to see the work of living artists!

But whose art will I remember? Probably my brother, Todd's. Todd is a storyteller fascinated by the world around him. So many stories in his two pictures below! And don't miss the subtle cue from the graffiti in the park scene.

Picasso said "What I want is that my picture should evoke nothing but emotion". And emotion is primarily how we humans experience our world, but I also enjoy art that tells a story (or many stories) that touch upon the emotions we associate with each successive scene.

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