Sunday, November 28, 2010

Killing me with Kayaks

Down in the mangroves at Weedon Island Preserve, Rich and I went wandering about in our neon green double kayak from Sweetwater Kayaks. For the first two hours it was sweet indeed. But the tide was on its way out making paddling a whole heck of a lotta work. After our four hours we were TIRED.

We wandered the kayak trail deep into the tunnels of the mangrove roots. We took our paddle apart and each took half when it became too narrow for anything else. Later we had to get out and walk because the water was too shallow. At first we were delighted with the jumping fish. Big fish! Boing! boing! boing! leaping out of the water over and over again. Then deep in the mangroves we saw a family of raccoons playing at the water's edge and climbing the mangroves across the water above us. We noticed the very small crabs hanging out on the broken roots just above the water too. But coolest for me were the birds.

We have yet to identify the bird in the picture. Do yo know what it is?
The birds we know about were:
  • brown pelican
  • great blue heron
  • little blue heron
  • tricolored heron
  • more white ibis than I care to count
  • American red oyster catcher
  • double breasted cormorant
  • anhinga
My arms will be sore for a week, but I'd go back in a heartbeat - at HIGH tide!

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