Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Holocaust Mahnmal (Holocaust Memorial)

Holocaust Mahnmal is installed on 4.7 acres - that is BIG! Officially, it is a Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It is a sea of concrete slabs of varying sizes on an undulating slope.

There is power and beauty in the concrete forms, but there is a bit of fun too. Children climbed on and jumped from one low form to another. Teens enjoyed running around and jumping out at each other. It was surprising and a bit mystical how people can appear and disappear among the forms.

As I was headed out of the memorial, a man approached me and asked me to take his photo with his phone. I'm not sure what language he was speaking, but I understood and took his photo in two different poses. He was so exuberantly grateful he shook my hand, kissed me on each cheek, and gave me a hug!

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