Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Piece of ... Art

It was a beautiful day for a walk so we took ourselves to the art museum just a few minutes from our apartment. Museu nacional d'Art de Catalunya had multiple sets of long, steep stairs up to the front of the museum punctuated by fountains and waterfalls. Thankfully, there were also escalators tucked along the sides because at this point our legs have done more walking than we probably do in a YEAR!

And what's up with creating contemporary statues of naked people with no arms? Really? I fail to comprehend. It's not as though the statue was so delicate and old that the arms broke off. Is it some kind of statement?

This journey actually started a day or two earlier. I had worked all day in my little room in the apartment and Rich had been out all day checking out the markets and wearing his legs out. At the end of the day I was itching to go outside and he was ready to relax. So I took a quick jaunt through the neighborhood on my own. When I saw this pretty tower in the evening sun I was enchanted enough to snap a photo. Then a little further across a large street I sighted the grand entrance to an art museum.

I reported back to Rich and we scheduled to explore. Doesn't the statue above look like she's just overwhelmed by the interest of so many visitors? The museum was a popular place! It was set atop a hill that provided panoramic views of the city below.

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