Saturday, August 7, 2010

Welcome Mason Christopher!

We welcomed Mason Christopher into the world on August 3, 2010 at 10:43pm. This is him the next day at the hospital. He was wide awake and curious. Being a new grandma is like standing under a big waterfall - I'm overwhelmed and soaked with excitement, love, happiness and joy!
Part of what makes his arrival particularly thrilling is that his parents are so ready for him. They have been waiting and working and now that he is here, they are both so in love with him. You wouldn't believe how kind they were during the labor and delivery. Jon stepped right in and provided just the right amount of comfort and encouragement and Jakki remained unbelievably calm and pleasant. She was still saying "please" and "thank you" in the midst of pushing for two hours!

If I get any more proud I might burst! Mostly I'm just in  awe.


Melissa said...

Jen, he is just adorable. Can't wait to see more photos.

Foreign Filla said...

Thanks Melissa! Have no fear. I have a camera and I'm not afraid to use it :-D