We took the grandchild (accompanied by responsible parents) to the Florida Aquarium and Rich was brave enough to walk through the scary mist. We had just witnessed the eerie beauty of the largest stingray I have ever seen. All of us enjoyed the visit. This is an easy to navigate and very interesting museum. Through the plexi-glass we watched the ducks dive underwater and the sea otter slide through the water. All up close and personal. Can't wait for the next grandchild to be born and alert enough to go visit again!
How much fun is the racetrack? The rumble and buzz of the cars zooming past sets the tone and the madness of them jostling for position along a sinuous curve at high speeds is exhilarating! I'm just glad I'm not the one in the car :-D
This past weekend Rich and I went to Sebring, Florida to watch his friend race. We were keeping track of the blue car in the bottom right of the picture. He came in fifth after being bumped on this turn, spinning and then pulling right back onto the track. Way to go Larry!
The ride to and from the track was interesting as well. Sebring is orange and cattle country. We passed row after row of orange trees and acres of land being grazed by cattle. Sunday morning when we drove out early for breakfast the icicles were joining the bottoms of the orange trees with the earth. Abnormally low temperatures were threatening practically every kind of farming in Florida this past weekend. It was pretty though, the way wicked things sometimes are.
Finally we've had time to do some more exploring in our own neighborhood! We spent Sunday at MOSI - the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa.
We visited the Mind Bender exhibit first and felt very not smart as we exited. Sheesh! I had really been eager to see Disasterville, which was entertaining and who knew half those facts? We left Disasterville feeling much smarter.
The IMAX theater and Planetarium were dramatic as expected, but more entertaining were the children in them. Responding to the narrator, crying, laughing, wiggling...
We couldn't resist taking part in the exhibits either. In Disasterville we rode in the fire engine and you can see Rich's new hairdo in this Warhol-ish photo taken in the tornado simulator.