My brother in Indianapolis sent me home with a knot for a pot of my favorite tea - jasmine. And as the package and he promised, with some just-about-boiling-water it blossomed. And over a steaming cup of incredible smelling tea my daughter and I shared secrets on a sunny afternoon. Not just tea, but time too. It was so much fun I thought I'd share it with the world. On a plate as it were.
Barbie is checking out the dinosaur. Yup. She is looking over to check him out. How could I resist the tension? This Children's Museum is the coolest looking building I have ever seen. If only I had gone inside...
Rich and I just experienced the bone-chilling cold in Indianapolis and Chicago. It was well worth suffering a little cold to have the chance to visit with family and it can't be denied that Santa's reindeer were creating quite a scene as you can see in this picture over the hood of our car! What kind of decorations are taking over your neighborhood?
There are those who suggest that the warm Florida air and the spirit of Christmas might possibly be mutually exclusive. I beg to differ. Just check out these Black Skimmers. Now are they not suggestive of penguins in the snow? I find sand to to be remarkably similar to snow in a number of respects. It is quite lovely to see the wind blowing sand into the footprints, gently covering one's tracks. And it does not get dirty, messy, and slippery. Well, except when the seagrass deposited by the tide begins to rot...