It was our last weekend in Prague and Rich's friend invited us for dinner at her home. Her husband cooked a very traditional meal of
sauerkraut (kysele zeli), pork and potato dumplings (knedliky) - and beer! It turns out that I like beer with the right meal.
This meal was the best meal I had the entire time I was in Prague!!
The only thing he didn't make himself was the beer. The sauerkraut was nothing resembling anything I've seen, smelled or tasted in the states and it was delicious. Kneliky is a favorite of mine and I ate quite a bit. It was especially good dipped in the sauce from the sauerkraut. And the beer really was a fabulous complement. It was also helpful to have wonderful company with the meal too :-)
It was a heavy meal and I decided to walk home from the bus stop instead of catching the tram. Besides, I needed to soak in the Prague night air another time before leaving...