Monday, September 29, 2008

Pressing prestige

While the horses are indeed most beautiful, I never get close to them sitting in the committee box so I don't take their pictures. But oh my the awards table - it is shining! And then I remember that this is the biggest Dressage show there is in the U.S.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dressing dressage in rain

There's a lot that's beautiful about the dancing horses of Dressage at Devon. But then it rains and we are all reminded that this is really about horses and it ain't always so pretty!

Rotten Ralph's

I stopped in Philadelphia to have drinks with a friend and found another example of Americana for my photo collection. The new, the neon and a classic brick backdrop. They're even flying a flag. Could I ask for more? This pub is on the corner of 2nd and Chestnut. It reminds me of the similarities with Prague I noticed after my first trip to the Czech Republic. Philadelphia is an old city by U.S. standards and there are these pieces of new against old that tickle me to no end.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I needed my hairs cut and styled. I went Blue. Doug was my hair stylist all growing up in Collingswood and he opened his own salon in Westmont - Blue. I had to go. He cut. He styled. My hair is shoulder length, carefree and ready for Florida. And Doug has been creative with his backyard too (behind the studio) and has transformed it into a sanctuary of sorts. He's so intense. Love it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quietly Quilting

For the past 7 months or so I've been working on this quilt. Last weekend I finally had the joy of giving it away! Rich's daughter will be having a baby boy at the end of October. I'm going to be working on another one soon. Friends in Prague have a baby due in April!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Doing Diners

New Jersey is full of diners and Rich and I love'm. This one, the Phily Diner, is close to our hotel in beautiful downtown Runnemede. It's doing particularly well and they are building a huge addition on the right of the building that will be a sports bar. I didn't include that in the picture...

Coasting with coasters

Steak. We're in the US and Rich wanted steak. The beef in Prague was a tad chewy.

And while we were waiting we couldn't resist playing with the coasters.

Check out the bottom left of my tower. Nifty, eh?

But then Rich went ahead and built a very impressive tower!!

We've had to eat out for every single meal this month and it's getting more than old. But we are having a bit of fun with it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blues in Media

So we're back visiting our old haunts in Philadelphia for two weeks and couldn't resist going to the Media Inn on Monday night for open mic. Our friend Eleanor got up to sing as usual - except that this happened to be her first night back in months. She just recovered from hip surgery. And it was Sam, the bartender's birthday. She was turning 30 (again). I'm afraid my camera and I are poorly equipped for these dark, indoor photos, but I gave the "shake" a little funny business with color in the hopes of making it easier on your senses.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

can you say blue?

There was a house at the public beach across the water from the hotel in Tampa. I would sit inside the lobby and look out at the view all day while I worked on my laptop. In the mornings the colors could be a bit pastel, but once the sun rose, like in this picture, the sharp, clear light illuminated the yellows and reds and the blue of the water. But on a clear night as the sky darkened to a deep royal blue Rich and I watched the beach house turn an electric blue. Really, it was nearly neon!

Color Cues

When Rich and I first toured the Tampa area we were unimpressed. Explosive commercial and residential growth is never the most attractive. But we also thought the general color scheme of things was dull and maybe even a bit brown. Spending a week here really looking, I've changed my mind.

Beautiful sunsets aside, the colors here can be subtle or in-your-face-I'm-Florida. Swimming in the pool yesterday I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the shocking turquoise blue of the painted pool bottom, but also of the patterns from the reflection in the water and the movement. Rich helped me take some photos as I was a wee bit wet from stirring up the water. Here you can see the white fence around the pool reflected as well as the fences lining the balconies.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pretty Palms

So I'm in Florida admiring the palm trees and who knew they grew these interesting berries? From a distance I would see the golden color and just think that it was browning fronds when in fact, it was a very happy palm bearing fruit!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Room with a view

I have to spend some quality time with my laptop working this week, but I thought I'd share the view from my hotel room. Ahhh. It is so lovely to look out onto the bay. The wireless doesn't work outside :-( but with a little sweater and a view I'm happy!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yes, I drink beer

It was our last weekend in Prague and Rich's friend invited us for dinner at her home. Her husband cooked a very traditional meal of sauerkraut (kysele zeli), pork and potato dumplings (knedliky) - and beer! It turns out that I like beer with the right meal.

This meal was the best meal I had the entire time I was in Prague!!

The only thing he didn't make himself was the beer. The sauerkraut was nothing resembling anything I've seen, smelled or tasted in the states and it was delicious. Kneliky is a favorite of mine and I ate quite a bit. It was especially good dipped in the sauce from the sauerkraut. And the beer really was a fabulous complement. It was also helpful to have wonderful company with the meal too :-)

It was a heavy meal and I decided to walk home from the bus stop instead of catching the tram. Besides, I needed to soak in the Prague night air another time before leaving...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gone to the Dogs

There are so many adorable dogs in Prague. This one took a while to get comfortable, but finally found a snuggle spot in between the guy's feet. She was at the front of a busy tram so I can't blame her for wanting a bit of a barrier!